Outline / Summary Cheadle Unite Together Reasons About Us NEWS Councillors/SMDC Wider Aims
Cheadle Unite


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Click on ‘Outline / Summary’ above for an overview



2020 Nov Cheadle Projects 2020 Feb Inspection Hearing 2019 Oct Local Plan 2019 May Local Town Elections 2019 February: HIS Consulation 2018 October: Inspection 2018 July: Planning Inspection 2017 Aug: Consultation !! 2016 May: Consultation (Again!) 2015 Aug: Consultation Notes 2015 July: Letter to Minister 2015 June: SMDC Consultation 2015 May: Election Statements 2015 APRIL: HOUSING MINISTER 2015 April: Community Brief Pt1 2015 April: Community Brief Pt2 2015 Mar: Letter to BC MP 2015 March: SMDC SCI 2015 Feb: Letter to SMDC 2014 Oct: Petition 'Together' 2014 Aug: SMDC To Bill Cash 2014 July: Response to 190 in CE 2014 June: Bill Cash MP Response 2014 June:Letter To Bill Cash MP 2014 June:Stats For Bill Cash MP 2014 Apr: Community Involvement 2013 Sept: Cheadle East Housing 2013 Aug:Post Planning Comment 2013 Jan: Pre-Planning Comments 2012 Nov: Planning Examination 2012 Jan: Cheadle North Housing 2011 Dec: Revised Core Strategy 2011 Jan: Letter To Council 2010 Dec: Cheadle Town Plan 2010 Oct: Cheadle Town Plan 2010 Jul: Council Vote 2010 May: U-Turn on Housing 2010 Apr: Election Statements 2010 Apr: LDF 2010 Spring: Statements 2010 Jan: Councillor Statements

Headline News

Outline / Summary Cheadle Unite Together Reasons About Us NEWS Councillors/SMDC Wider Aims
Cheadle Unite

BETA Release Site Update Oct 2019:

Content is under construction

errors may exist


2015 April: Parliamentary Candidate Statements May 2015

(Local Candidates supporting Cheadle Unite detailed below)


2015 April: Letter to 38 Local Parish and District candidates

Dear Parish/District Councillor candidate,

For over 5 years actions groups have been trying to tackle the prospect of excessive housing allocations for Cheadle.

Attached is a Community Brief that has been produced by Cheadle Unite part of the ‘Cheadle Unite Together’ action groups around Cheadle for fellow residents highlighting the situation as we see it. A number of councillors and residents have already agreed with the accuracy of the contents. We very much hope as a potential Councillor that you will share our concerns and if elected work to protect Cheadles Green Fields, open spaces and recreational areas and look to promote the regeneration of the large number of Brownfield derelict waste sites that exist around the Potteries.

Cheadle does not have the infrastructure (roads, rail, drainage, services and capacity in our schools doctors and dentists) for a significant swell in housing which would damage our tourism capacity and the rural aspect of our town.

Further details and information are available on our website, including images of just a few of the huge numbers of Brownfield sites that exist around the Potteries with proven infrastructure that are struggling to attract investment facing an uncertain future.


If you feel you agree with the Community Brief (Attached) and the aims of Cheadle Action Groups and would like to make a statement and/or send relevant flyer literature for consideration of inclusion on our website and circulation, then please send your comments via email to cheadleunite@dsl.pipex.com or to the Secretary at the above address.

Kind regards,

Cheadle Unite.

  1320 Houses/Dwellings Still Planned for Cheadle    250 Houses In Cheadle North East       Brookhouses Development already approved  

  26%+ Swell in Our Population Planned in 12 years   441 In Urban Sites Around Cheadle    200 Properties on Small Urban Extensions

  More Traffic/Pollution. Services stretched                  124 Builds Already Completed              86+ Developments already agreed

  To receive our emails contact us at cheadleunite@dsl.pipex.com